Posted on . Tags: ballroom dance competition, ballroom dancing
The word competition doesn’t usually conjure up images of dancing. Most people tend to think of sports when they think of competition, like football, tennis, golf, etc. Sports competition has long been great fun with many fans, however competition ballroom dancing is also very entertaining to watch. Just look at how popular the show Dancing [...]
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Posted in Ballroom, Featured Articles
Posted on . Tags: dance, dvds, learn to dance, salsa, Salsa Dance Bootcamp
If you want to join millions of people who love and know how to Salsa dance, Salsa Bootcamp might be what you’re looking for. Let’s cut right to the chase. Dancing is a pastime enjoyed by millions of people. Who doesn’t love to dance, whether it’s dancing at weddings, ballrooms, or at clubs. Maybe you [...]
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Posted in Featured Articles, Salsa